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Triathlon World Record: The Longest Single Triathlon World Record Broken By Levente


Levente (Levi) Lukács, a dedicated triathlete and professional triathlete coach, achieved a remarkable and historic feat by breaking the Guinness World Record for the longest single-event triathlon completed within roughly 24 hours. On a momentous Sunday, July 16, Lukács embarked on an extraordinary journey, commencing in Lake St. Louis and culminating near Des Peres in Missouri.

Levi started participating in triathlons in 2016. After achieving well over a dozen first place finishes, he decided to go professional. He grew up in Hungary where he started his athletic career early. At the early age of five, he had started up cycling and swimming, later joining the Hungarian National Modern Pentathlon team, which involved swimming, running, shooting, fencing and horseback riding. Then he had the opportunity to train and race around the world. These talents have undoubtedly helped him achieve the success he has achieved in triathlon racing.

Triathlon World Record Elitewheels

The Record

The challenging world record endeavor encompassed a grueling 7.6-mile lake swim, an arduous 197.1-mile bike ride, and a daunting 47.2-mile run, with Lukács accomplishing this Herculean task in an impressive 25 hours and 19 minutes. His total distance covered, an awe-inspiring 251.97 miles, far exceeded the previous record of 226 miles for a single-event triathlon within the designated time frame.

Reflecting on his triumphant feat, Lukács described it as the hardest thing he had ever done. As a triathlon coach and professional triathlete competing at the national level, Lukács is no stranger to pushing his limits, but this attempt truly tested his physical and mental endurance to the limit.

The Swim

The Ride

The Run

More Than Just a Record

Throughout the grueling journey, Lukács was not only driven by his own passion for the sport but also utilized the opportunity to support a meaningful cause. As a resident of Maplewood, he dedicated his record-breaking feat to raising funds for cancer research through Pedal the Cause, a commendable nonprofit organization that allocates 100% of its funds to cancer research initiatives.

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An Unforeseen Obstacle

However, the road to triumph was not without its share of challenges. The event saw Lukács encountering unforeseen hurdles, such as a flat tire on his triathlon-specific bike, which momentarily disrupted his rhythm. Luckily, during the world record attempt, he had two wheelsets, the Drive 65D and the Velo TT Disc Brake Bundle. Despite facing moments of dizziness and exhaustion, Lukács showed unwavering determination, relying on his remarkable physical and mental strength to push forward.

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Community Support

The support of the community played a pivotal role in Lukács’ success. During the swim, spectators lined the dock, cheering him on, while others in kayaks called out words of encouragement. On the bike segment, people showed their unwavering support, even if they could only catch a fleeting glimpse of the determined athlete. For the run, members of the public joined him for the first three miles, offering an energetic boost that powered him through the initial stages.

Determination to Finish

As the clock ticked on, Lukács faced the challenge of pushing through fatigue and mental exhaustion. Walking most of the remaining run and faintly recalling the final loops, he passed out multiple times during the last stretch. However, determination proved to be his greatest asset, compelling him to keep moving forward.

With the end in sight, Lukács managed to summon an indomitable will and sprinted the last half mile to the finish line. He described the moment as something else—a testament to the sheer determination and resilience that drove him forward even when his body had reached its apparent limit.

Triathlon World Record Support

For a Reputable Cause

The inspiring achievement of Levente Lukács serves as a beacon of inspiration to athletes and individuals alike, demonstrating the power of determination, community support, and the capacity to surpass perceived limits. His unwavering dedication to raising funds for cancer research further exemplifies the profound impact that sporting achievements can have in supporting worthy causes.

As Lukács’ fundraising period for Pedal the Cause comes to a close on September 24, his remarkable achievement will undoubtedly continue to inspire others to contribute to meaningful endeavors. His journey serves as a reminder that when a community rallies behind a dedicated individual, incredible milestones can be achieved, not just in sports but also in creating a positive impact on society. Follow Levente Lukács on Facebook, Instagram (@levi_fitness1), or visit to learn more about his impressive triathlon career and future endeavors.

TT Disc Brake Bundle Wheels

Race Ready Wheels

In addition to the wheels Levi used to break this record, Elitewheels offers several others including more ultralight, carbon spoke road wheels as well as more TT/triathlon wheel options. Every road and TT/triathlon wheelset comes in both rim and disc brake versions.